TV: [Spoilers!!!] Twenty Again (Finale)

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Article: 'Twenty Again' Choi Ji Woo ♥ Lee Sang Yoon, achieves their first love after 20 years 'happy ending'

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+302, -9] Best ending ever ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ gave me such a ticklish feeling

2. [+247, -4] I actually want to rewatch the last episode again

3. [+225, -7] Such a sweet drama, so sad it's over. Makes me want to start dating again~~

4. [+34, -3] As childish as it was that they kept looking over each other instead of striking up a convo, they were cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+30, -3] There are so many dramas that start off fun and then slip off into obscurity making you feel like you have indigestion but this drama had no extra fillers and a clean, simple ending that I enjoyed.

6. [+28, -3] We need more dramas like this. Made me smile and tear up. Very quiet but fun drama from start to finish.

7. [+27, -2] All of the couples ended up happy from the kiddie couple, affair couple, part time couple~ Love happy endings

8. [+27, -6] Such a perfect drama for the fall weather... a quiet kind of heart fluttering. Makes me not want to get out from this feeling.. ㅎㅎ


Source: Naver

1. [+6,101, -58] Definitely a drama that made me become an Lee Sang Yoon fan

2. [+3,983, -54] Ah, it's over ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Cha Hyun Suk, come to me~

3. [+3,454, -54] Sad to see puppy eyed Lee Sang Yoon go now... but what a satisfying ending! So cute to see them bantering like that. Choi Won Young was so funny too ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+3,196, -49] What a healing drama ㅠㅠㅠ From 'My Daughter Seoyoung' scriptwriter to Lee Sang Yoon and Ji Woo hime's casting, this drama lacked nothing ㅠㅠㅠ thank you

5. [+710, -6] This scriptwriter turned Lee Bo Young into a daebak star with 'My Daughter Seoyoung' and now she's turned Lee Sang Yoon into a rising star with this drama. Looking forward to the scriptwriter's next work...

6. [+693, -8] There was no makjang in the drama. It instead made you reflect back on your life in a way.

7. [+691, -8] Such a beautiful ending shot, made me want to go out and date
