Trend of girl groups dating older men

Article: 'We like~ oppas~' girl group ♥ uncles becomes a reality

Source: E-Daily via Naver

1. [+5,552, -594] I still think Lee Dong Gun can do better than T-ara Jiyeon ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+3,352, -131] It's just timing that they all ended up with boyfriends who are 10 years older, it's not like girl groups have been dating older men this whole time ㅋㅋ

3. [+2,343, -145] Just leave them alone, let them be in love

4. [+1,599, -131] I still can't believe it but I trust that the older men are dependable~

5. [+530, -46] I hope men in their thirties don't think they can get with women in their twenties because of this

6. [+408, -46] They're still young, that's why... once they get older, they'll realize that all men, whether they're in their twenties, thirties, or forties, have the same mental age. And they'll end up craving younger men after finding that out.

7. [+304, -40] Usually girls have a fantasy about older men when they're young. They look for someone dependable like their father, then someone they can communicate with once they're older, and then someone 'strong' in bed once they're older than that. These female idols are just in the first step...

8. [+271, -32] It's going to change ㅎ just like how men want to date younger women, once women gain more financial control and get older, they're going to go for younger men too.


Source: Nate

1. [+218, -7] All of the girls started working at such an early age, I'm sure they don't view other men their age as 'men'. And to survive in a cut throat industry like that, they probably want an older, dependable man to protect them.

2. [+207, -11] These male celebrities are not like other men in their thirties

3. [+140, -23] So jealous of Choiza and Alex...

4. [+24, -0] ㅋㅋ none of the uncles that they're dating can be found in reality..

5. [+13, -0] Park Soo Jin probably hit the most daebak with her 'uncle'
