TOP supports a fan struggling with a career choice on SNS

Article: TOP supports a fan by replying on SNS... "Don't worry and do great things"

Source: Star Today via Nate

In response to a fan who messaged him saying he inspired her future in architecture despite concerns from those dropping out because there's no future in it, TOP said:

"No, that's not right... It's not that there's no future in architecture but rather the people who have no future in it who are dropping out. I think the same can be applied to any job. It's only the people who believe there's a future in it who achieve that future in the end, no? There are some who have a desire to do something but can't because of fate and others who can but hesitate because reality is subjective... Don't worry and do great things.. I actually feel vicarious happiness in reading such hopeful concerns such as yours!!!"


1. [+528, -54] He's cool

2. [+506, -52] Wow, this is really cool. Very respectful of him!!!

3. [+486, -53] It's not only his face that's handsome.

4. [+43, -15] If you look at one of his interviews, you can tell how serious he is about arts and how much he's been studying up on it. Even on Instagram, he'll post a lot about architects and artists from whatever country he's visiting at the time and sometimes lecture about architectural related topics because he randomly came across it in America and got excited about it... He studies into his interests a lot and I don't think it's fair for people to call him a tryhard and accuse him of not having a deeper understanding of the topics ㅋㅋ Why bring someone who's working hard down like that?

5. [+42, -6] Pisses me off... so unfair that he's that handsome but such a good person too..

6. [+35, -4] What the... I thought he was speaking to me for a second... I had to save this image ㅠㅠ Going to reference back to it whenever I need inspiration. I never really liked him before but I see him differently now.. what a good mentality.

7. [+33, -6] Wow, that fan must've been so touched ㅠㅠㅠ

8. [+30, -9] That really is cool of him

9. [+28, -7] Words of truth... cool of TOP

10. [+28, -5] Makes me want to learn from him... giving interest in little things like that and supporting people the best he can.
