[Update] Tiffany and Chanyeol to have feature stages for 'Unpretty Rap Star 2' finals

Article: [Exclusive] SNSD Tiffany to give support to the 'Unpretty Rap Star 2' final stages

Source: X Sports News via Naver

1. [+272, -22] Seems like a ploy to get more viewer ratings~

2. [+312, -139] I wish SM would just take their hands completely off of hip... they're so cringe.. just stick to making your idols..

3. [+111, -41] Why is Chanyeol in this too? Screw off if you're not coming out to rap

4. [+103, -39] She'll probably just feature on a song and sing

5. [+138, -78] Wow! Looking forward to it. Tiffany gets so excited over these things so she'll be good

6. [+54, -31] I never watched this but I guess I'll have to check it out for Tiffany ㅋㅋ

7. [+85, -63] Wow, Tiffany, looking forward to it

8. [+37, -16] She's obviously just doing a feature stage with a contestant, don't blindly hate because it's SM and act like Tiffany and Chanyeol are becoming fixed cast members

9. [+77, -57] Chanyeol's rap is embarrassing though... but of course he'll get through it thanks to his fans.. sigh

10. [+36, -17] Don't tell me that... Chanyeol's actually going to rap.........

11. [+25, -11] I bet Jessi set this up...

12. [+17, -6] Isn't she close with Yoobin too ㅋ

13. [+16, -7] Where are SNSD's best rappers Sooyoung and Yoona ㅋㅋㅋ


Article: 'Unpretty 2' reps, "Tiffany and Chanyeol will be making surprise appearances on final stage" [official statement]

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+257, -35] Suddenly reminds me of when EXO fans bombarded a Korean hip hop community board to share Chanyeol's mixtape and kept asking everyone to listen to it and saying "Our oppa is really good, right? So don't hate on him" but the community members who actually listened to it were in such shock that they started hating on Chanyeol even more.. ㅋㅋ

2. [+199, -33] Chanyeol's mixtape... he got quite a bit of hate for that for having no originality in his flow and his lack of breathing technique ㅋㅋ even with a lot of post editing

3. [+202, -63] SM kids always have to weasel their way into any trending show

4. [+167, -38] No, no, no, No, no, no, No, no, no, No, no, no, No, no, no, No, no, no, No, no, no, No, no, no, No, no, no, No, no, no, No, no, no, No, no, no, No, no, no, No, no, no, No, no, no,

5. [+56, -10] So glad Yunho's in the army right now

6. [+55, -10] Hul ㅋㅋ Chanyeol ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ hilarious ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Such a huge difference with the featurings for 'SMTM' ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Is Chanyeol on the show to rap or dance ㅋㅋㅋㅋ oh my god, Chanyeol of all people ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+43, -6] Chanyeol??????? EXO?????? Hul...

8. [+53, -16] Come on, not Chanyeol.. it's just going to get the agency more hate


Article: [Exclusive] Akdong, Basick, Hanhae, Tiffany, etc for a total of 7 to stand on stage for 'Unpretty 2' semifinals

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+326, -47] Chanyeol ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+259, -38] I think there's a hole in this line-up.

3. [+233, -27] There's a spy amongst them

4. [+223, -42] Chanyeol ㅋㅋㅋ just because he lays his voice low doesn't mean he's a good rapper

5. [+205, -44] How dare they put Chanyeol, Hanhae, Basick, and Ilhoon in the same line-up...

6. [+65, -14] Oh, Jung Ilhoon! Seeing him for the first time on a show like this. ㅋㅋㅋ He's a good rapper

7. [+51, -7] Hanhae, winner Basick, BtoB Ilhoon (ohoh!!!!) EXO Chanyeol (????????????), SNSD Tiffany, Akdong Lee Soo Hyun, Urban Zakapa Jo Hyuna (whew)

8. [+63, -20] Chanyeol????????? Why??
