[Update] Soyu struggles to complete her schedules with back pain + apologizes for attitude

Article: 'Overworked controversy' SISTAR Soyu, expressionless face the whole time

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+832, -136] She was also dead panning on Music Bank last week too, what's wrong with her? Does she think she's a top star ㅡㅡ if your visuals suck, at least make your heart is pretty

2. [+806, -78] Don't be an idol if you don't want to do it

3. [+192, -9] Anyone else would think she's being forced to stand up there for free. Idols are always crying wah wah wah about not being popular and having no work and no money but once they do get popular, they cry even harder about how they have no sense of self and privacy. They do realize that once they hit their thirties, they're going to be invited to less performances and the occasional variety appearance, right? Where all they'll be able to talk about is their past of when they used to be popular but now they have to resort to all sorts of comical dances to create a new character for themselves so varieties will keep casting them. So work hard while you still have work...

4. [+46, -7] Everyone already knows that she's sick and hurting, I don't know why she insists on keeping that blank expression at her schedules all the time. She's a celebrity, that's her job. We're not asking her to smile 24/7 but at least show some effort.

5. [+41, -1] They get paid so much per event. If she's sick to the point where she can't even smile for her fans, she should be left out of the event. Why attend it and act like that? No respect to her fans at all.

6. [+39, -32] Can the rest of you smile when you're crazy sick?? She's been overworked at every schedule and wasn't able to get to the hospital a week after her injury. She loses her balance on stage and even cries. Meanwhile the rest of you cry the minute you feel some cramping from your period but here you are yelling at a sick girl who injured her back that she isn't smiling enough for you.

7. [+33, -2] Whether she's being overworked or not, let's manage our facial expressions! You're a singer, your job relies on the public for your income. She's not professional enough.

8. [+30, -2] Why are the other three able to smile then?? Don't they have it hard too?

9. [+29, -2] I don't think it's professional of her to be like that at a public event even if she's sick. She should talk it up with the agency and either get rest or treatment;;; people can excuse her the first couple of times for being sick but the more she does this, the more off putting it is.

10. [+26, -2] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ She's getting cushy with her career, isn't she? She's sitting there with that face at a fan meeting no less ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Article: SISTAR Soyu, 'gaunt looking face' entrance

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+974, -162] Whatever is going on, she's a public figure who is there to meet her fans. She should at least force herself to smile for them.

2. [+652, -124] Even if she wants to rest, she'll have to pay a termination fee for not attending these schedules which is why I think she's attending them... find strength

3. [+77, -6] Why doesn't her agency let her rest? I understood her pain the first couple times but looking like this on every show and event is getting tiring;; I get that she's sick but it's uncomfortable for the rest of us now

4. [+73, -13] You're an entertainment clown so act like one. Smile for the public, you're making money off of us after all. Don't be cocky.

5. [+67, -4] If she's getting paid for this event, she should be smiling.

6. [+65, -9] Just quit if you're going to act like this. There are tons and tons of other trainees who'd kill for your spot right now.

7. [+59, -5] She was like this on TV too ㅠ she should bring it up with her agency and get some rest. It's uncomfortable for the rest of us ㅠ

8. [+55, -6] Why does she do this? And meanwhile she has no problem posting selcas on SNS. Isn't the agency reading her article comments? Take her out of the event if she's not up for it. We let her go the first couple of times for being sick but this is getting annoying.

9. [+50, -5] Being able to smile for your fans in front of the camera no matter how hard it is is professionalism

10. [+37, -3] If she was a rookie, I bet she would've forced herself to smile no matter how much it hurt. Now she thinks she's at a status where she can show all her emotions on her face.


Article: Soyu reps, "Apologize for showing a bad image... will be minimizing schedules" (official statement)

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+2,366, -513] Of course it's hard... having to take care of your voice, your body, not getting enough sleep.. but it makes IU and Suzy look amazing by comparison when they're always smiling for their fans and anyone who waits for them and always greets them first.

2. [+1,237, -130] I understand that you're sick but not everyone shows this type of attitude every time they're attending a public event just because they're sick

3. [+427, -213] Look at Park Hyung Shik and Girl's Day and how their careers went down. Attitude is everything.

4. [+417, -16] Is she not being paid for that fan signing? She makes a hundred times more than the average commoner... The agency's at fault but Soyu is too. Imagine an employee with that facial expression in front of her boss... have some basic respect for your fans and the public. Acting like this is wrong.

5. [+260, -12] She rarely smiles on variety shows too.. I don't think she's the smiling type. Off-putting to see, really..

6. [+91, -13] Really unprofessional of her

7. [+83, -3] She probably thinks she's a top star now and is getting pissy being called to all these low tier events

8. [+68, -3] Honestly, her acting like this is only putting down the hard work of her other members
