Seventeen makes it on to Billboard's '21 Under 21 2015'

Article: Seventeen is the only Asian artist to make it on Billboard's '21 under 21'

Source: News 24 via Naver

[ original article here: Billboard's 21 Under 21 2015: Music's Hottest Young Stars ]

1. [+238, -50] It's that group with Vernon that Andup dissed on 'SMTM' ㅋㅋ that kid who looks like a foreigner

2. [+246, -113] Who??????

3. [+175, -52] It's that group with Vernon who was like headline, headline on 'SMTM'...

4. [+171, -85] Who are they? First time hearing about them

5. [+185, -102] Shocking considering their own country doesn't even know who they are...

6. [+77, -28] Amazing considering they're complete rookies. They made their own song and choreography and have fun stage performances. First idol that I rewatched stages for ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+65, -17] Look them up and take a listen. You'll definitely become a fan. Check out their pictures and videos.

8. [+60, -15] They write and compose their own songs and come up with their own choreography, which changes every time they get up on stage to perform. It's fun to watch! I wish them luck :)

9. [+58, -13] Congratulations to Seventeen ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

10. [+53, -14] Proud of them!! Let's keep it up!!
