Romanian photographer captures the beauty of North Korean women

Article: North Korean women through the lens of a Western photographer 

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

1. [+442, -37] Being pretty in North Korea is probably worse than it is to be ugly since you'll end up becoming one of Kim Jong Un's sex slaves. It's probably better to be ugly in North Korea..

2. [+436, -76] These photos look like ID pictures and they still came out looking okay

3. [+332, -119] Any North Korean woman who believes in the saying that "men from the south are more handsome than the north, women from the north are more beautiful than the south" is going to be gravely disappointed

4. [+38, -1] Honestly, we only think they look pretty because of the "men from the south, women from the north" saying but if you stuck any of them in the south... they'd look so countrified and ugly

5. [+29, -8] In my opinion, "men from the south, women from the south"

6. [+28, -12] Whether North or South, there's obviously going to be a mixture of ugly and pretty people. I still find the South prettier though.

7. [+26, -8] Sorry, they look countrified

8. [+20, -3] There's actually a lot of ugly North Korean women runaways

9. [+17, -17] I wouldn't say they look that bad if they haven't had any work done and aren't even wearing make up

10. [+11, -3] We're the same ethnicity, why would they look any different from us... there should barely be a difference
