JYP's Twice reveals group picture for 'Ooh-Ahh' debut

Article: Twice reveals group image 'beautiful girl group'

Source: Sports Donga via Naver

1. [+1,753, -225] Finally they're debuting!! Looking forward to it ㅠㅠ

2. [+1,755, -284] They're so pretty ㅜㅜㅜㅜ young and pretty

3. [+1,524, -227] Look at their visuals, they're crazy

4. [+1,196, -198] Twice fighting!

5. [+275, -20] They're so pretty. Groups with members who look different from each other usually end up doing well.

6. [+289, -34] By visuals alone, they're already at the top of girl groups

7. [+293, -39] I trust that they're good people since they're from JYP

8. [+263, -23] Wow, all of their visuals are amazing..
