Jung Yumi denies dating rumors with Kang Dong Won

Article: Rumors of dating between Jung Yumi and Kang Dong Won, suspicious SNS picture... fans in shock

Source: Sports Korea via Nate

Listed out the things she likes in emoticons and ended it with... puppy, smiley, monkey

puppy = kangaji = kang
smiley (circle) = donggeurami = dong
monkey = wonsoongi = won

1. [+1,255, -53] If her boyfriend is Kang Dong Won ㅋㅋㅋ she must want to show that off so badly ㅋㅋ

2. [+1,001, -57] I definitely think she meant to drop a hint... why would she randomly stick those emoticons at the end like that ㅠㅠ

3. [+924, -33] Come on, who would actually make it obvious like this? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ If this is true, she's really desperate

4. [+103, -1] I'm not so much as amazed at the fact that they could be dating but rather that someone found this out;;

5. [+85, -6] The circle one seems like a stretch... wouldn't it stand for Jung Yumi's shiba dog?

6. [+78, -14] Why not just say outright that you're dating, why act so desperate like this? Doesn't she feel embarrassed ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+64, -12] I don't think so... Jung Yumi really likes dogs. Seems like she just randomly put emoticons after her dog emoticon?

8. [+63, -12] Ehhh come on ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ this is a stretch

9. [+51, -0] Surprised that people even interpreted this

10. [+45, -9] No... not Kang Dong Won ㅜㅜ


Article: Jung Yumi reps, "Dating Kang Dong Won? No way"

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+837, -94] They don't match. Jung Yumi would rather match Yoo Ah In..

2. [+697, -49] The evidence is so forced...

3. [+586, -81] Maybe she just has a crush on him

4. [+74, -27] I'm really sick of people acting like Kang Dong Won could do better. She's a famous actor in her own right and has a lot of mania fans for how loving she is. She didn't get any plastic surgery work done, has had no scandals... she's really built up a career for herself all on her own. Kang Dong Won's great but she's not any less than him.

5. [+66, -7] Jung Yumi has a shiba dog and loves dogs in general. I think the emoticons are stretching it.

6. [+44, -17] She's so lovely ㅠㅠ

7. [+41, -5] They're both top stars, stop comparing who is better. Why should she stand for such treatment when it was someone else who misinterpreted her post? Why should anyone be better than the other?

8. [+33, -4] Well if you look on her Instagram, she has a post with a puppy, a smiley, and a fist.. so who's Kang Dong Joo then, hmm? Stop making up rumors over emoticons!!!
