iKON clarifies logo plagiarism accusations

Article: iKON under suspicion for plagiarizing bike brand's logo design?

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+569, -84] I remember GDTOP plagiarized the Playboy logo and when they were threatened to be sued, YG got scared and changed it zㅋㅋ

2. [+501, -52] iKON's just suffering trouble after trouble since their debut

3. [+484, -60] I guess the bike company is too small to be able to afford a lawsuit ㅠㅠ

4. [+43, -9] Put aside your hate for YG for a second and understand that YG registered the trademark first and the bike company already apologized and clarified for the issue. People just want to hate YG tsk tsk tsk.

5. [+42, -7] YG already said they registered the logo last year and the brand reps apologized for the issue.

6. [+41, -9] iKON's logo was designed first, in 2014. The bike company checked and confirmed that iKON's logo was indeed created first.

7. [+36, -8] iKON's logo was made in 2014, that company's in 2015.


Article: 'iKON logo plagiarism controversy' put to an end... suspected company posts apology

Source: Sports Chosun via Naver

1. [+5,164, -552] I like how this company stirs up the controversy themselves and then thinks they can just post an apology and it'll all be okay

2. [+4,726, -430] I'm glad the controversy's over, didn't know the logo came from the Korean flag ㅋ

3. [+3,394, -764] Do well, iKON~~~

4. [+2,935, -757] Do well, iKON~~ ♥

5. [+592, -97] Shows how scary SNS is. iKON got all this hate for that. So many people seem to want to bring iKON down with all these issues they're facing. Fighting.

6. [+551, -71] Don't know why iKON has to get hate for something the other side made a mistake over and apologized for.

7. [+523, -50] Shouldn't they have contacted YG first if they really suspected it was plagiarized? Instead they took it to SNS which made the issue bigger than it should've and put a dent in iKON's image.

8. [+481, -52] Sure is't easy for the company to say that it was just a 'mishap' and everyone should get over it but because they acted so thoughtlessly, iKON and YG got hate everywhere without doing anything wrong..
