Gain shows a provocative new hair cut for Brown Eyed Girls teaser

Article: "Provocative head shave"... BEG Gain kicks off comeback teasers with first image

Source: Mydaily via Naver

1. [+562, -27] The position of the shave is a bit awkward ㅠㅠㅠ worried about balding parodies

2. [+413, -25] It's going to be awkward to grow that out... they chose the wrong spot to shave, it didn't come out good looking

3. [+345, -15] Hullllllllllll

4. [+341, -65] I like that they're not afraid to try what other groups are... let's hit daebak with the 6th album!

5. [+160, -19] Am I the onyl one who finds her hair funny looking;

6. [+158, -33] The face that has been touched up by doctors except for her double eyelids... ㅎ

7. [+129, -32] This is a bit...... weird

8. [+117, -21] Not sure what she's going for..

9. [+99, -16] Eh... she took it too far, I think. She looks like some balding thug ㅜㅜㅜㅜ

10. [+83, -23] I really don't like shaved head looks on women

11. [+69, -11] If she wants to go for a provocative look, she could eras her eyeliner..

12. [+62, -21] I actually think this is a unique change. She's a singer, she should be allowed to experiment. Don't all female singers have the same hair styles anyway?! Boring! This is way more fun than anything normal.

13. [+39, -9] Looks like she lost a dare...
