Dongho reveals he's been dating his fiance for a year and a half... possibly pregnant?

Article: [Exclusive Interview] Dongho, "I've been dating her for a year and a half, I wanted to marry her fast"

Source: Ilgan Sports via Nate

1. [+689, -32] People who want to get married early are usually one of two varieties: they don't fit in with their current family and want to start a new family fast or they're really in love with this person and don't want to lose them.

2. [+579, -19] I'm starting to feel bad for him with the lengths he has to go to clarify himself when he didn't even do anything wrong. We're the ones accusing him of a shotgun wedding...

3. [+231, -21] Hmm.. he can serve as a full time reserve when he gets married and has a kid!!

4. [+31, -0] Whether it's a shotgun wedding or not, there's nothing wrong with wanting to have a kid fast and grow old together. Have a good life.

5. [+28, -5] Who cares if it's a shotgun wedding or not when he's willing to take responsibility for his actions. Not like we're a country that strictly demands no sex before marriage and it's not like that's law either.


Source: Naver

1. [+11,352, -1,332] You knocked her up, didn't you! Hahahahaha

2. [+8,768, -490] Does he even have a job though? I'm pretty sure he retired from the entertainment industry

3. [+6,653, -684] Daebak... he's only 22 years old though. Did he knock her up?

4. [+4,736, -187] I wish them a happy life

5. [+1,594, -68] 22 years old may sound young but once you have your own kid, you get a sense of responsibility really fast. It's unfair to think he won't be able to handle it because he's young. People who get married early usually come from lonely families and want to start their own family early on. And if this is a shotgun wedding, it should only be more positive to his image since it means he's willing to take responsibility for his actions. Either way, I hope he's able to live the simple and happy life he's wanted..

6. [+1,651, -126] He's better than Kim Hyun Joong ㅋㅋㅋ at least he's responsible

7. [+1,394, -58] Even if it is shotgun, at least he's not like some other men demanding abortions and trying to hide it with money. He's taking responsibility for it.

8. [+1,049, -33] If two parties are willing to get married early, why should we have any say~ ㅋㅋ be happy


Article: U-KISS Dongho to get married in November with older girlfriend "NOT pregnant"

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+823, -61] If she's not pregnant... then I bet she's already given birth.. ㅎㅎ he's so young, why... ㅜㅜ

2. [+762, -21] Hilarious best replies ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ assuming the baby's already born ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+67, -1] She has to be pregnant... what other reason is there for them to get married immediately next month.

4. [+46, -0] A lot of people deny pre-marital pregnancies but it happens to be the case with the majority of marriages like this. But I'll believe you. For now.

5. [+45, -2] Maybe they already have a kid together ㅋㅋ

6. [+42, -3] Dongho's reps already said she is pregnant though

7. [+29, -4] A kid who hasn't even served in the army yet is getting married ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ she has to be pregnant or they already have a kid together

8. [+27, -2] What other reason is there for a 21 year old to get married so fast then?


Article: [Exclusive] U-KISS Dongho's girlfriend, "I am pre-marital pregnant"

Source: The Korea Herald via Naver

1. [+183, -17] Hul... hyung applauds you for at least taking responsibility instead of getting an abortion

2. [+175, -20] Still, he's so young... I'm not too fond of this because it's obvious they're just getting married because of the pregnancy. And of course he should take responsibility for his actions.

3. [+138, -11] Sets him apart from Kim Hyun Joong with his decision to take responsibility for the child.

4. [+87, -11] Hoo... Dongho's a man.

5. [+70, -4] Hul.. I knew it... hul...

6. [+21, -2] Whatever the case, have a good life!! You did a lot in getting U-KISS' name out there.

7. [+14, -2] Of course she's pregnant... why in the world in our age would a 22 year old man get married this fast other than shotgun?

8. [+15, -3] He's young but still a better man than Kim Hyun Joong, be happy
