Alex and Rainbow's Hyunyoung are dating?

Article: [Exclusive] Alex ♥ Jo Hyunyoung '12 year age gap' couple born

Source: Ilgan Sports via Naver

1. [+2,757, -30] Is dating someone 12 years older a trend among female idols right now?

2. [+1,708, -39] Hul ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ their agep gap

3. [+1,231, -47] Huh..? Jo Hyun..young?

4. [+1,064, -44] Looks like girl groups like them older nowadays.. congratulations

5. [+996, -43] We're getting an awful lot of celebrity dating news lately...

6. [+332, -8] Alex really likes them young

7. [+323, -6] Didn't Alex have talks of marriage with his ex? Since when did he break up with her?

8. [+329, -30] This guy is like Son Hoyoung... he's a foreigner who goes through all these young girls and throws em away after he's done with them, tsk tsk

9. [+282, -16] I don't think this couple will last long, like the rest..

10. [+250, -20] Even more random than IU ㅋㅋ

11. [+325, -115] Hyunyoung's the type that'd be fun to date but not someone you bring home to your parents..

12. [+168, -6] Alex sure goes through a lot of girls

13. [+175, -14] Alex is so average when it comes to singing and looks, I wonder why he's so popular... I'm jealous

14. [+162, -6] Dating ajusshis must be the trend lately

15. [+137, -3] Alex started liking her first? Even with the 12 year age gap? Looks like he doesn't care for long term relationships...

16. [+129, -8] Girl groups are all dating 10 years and up ㅋㅋㅋ
