TV: [Spoilers!!!] 'Yongpal' producers clarify liver cancer plot

Article: 'Yongpal' reps, "Kim Tae Hee's liver cancer is not overdoing it... the consequences of her revenge" clarification

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+2,199, -35] At least they know that it's overdoing it... please let the ending be believable

2. [+1,838, -25] Joo Won and Jung Woong In will probably save her... and Cynthia will come back from America and help...

3. [+1,525, -32] Sciptwriter, let's stay within the boundaries...

4. [+775, -43] Hopefully the rest of the plot is some cold hearted revenge

5. [+290, -3] Ridiculous from the fact that Chae Jung Ahn was committing revenge!!!

6. [+285, -6] Hmm.. the last episode will probably be the two leads giving everything up, escaping to a small town in the mountains somewhere, and ordering delivery food from their phone app...

7. [+275, -9] Whoever the scriptwriter for this drama is needs to not write another drama again

8. [+206, -2] What's the point of having a turnaround in the plot if they're going to tell us there's a turnaround


Source: Nate

1. [+201, -7] I bet before Kim Tae Hee dies, it'll show them watching TV together and they'll be looking through funeral service ads before Kim Tae Hee says, "I want that one..." and dies in his arms. And she'll be pointing to a PPL funeral service ad in a full screen shot and the drama ends.

2. [+125, -3] Was looking through Joo Won's Instagram and they were filming the final episode even though today's the final broadcast...

3. [+74, -5] Can't believe a story like this is getting over 20% in viewer ratings. Are the viewers idiots... even though I'm one of those idiots, dammit...

4. [+7, -1] This drama is giving me cancer, I'm not even looking forward to the turnaround ㅠㅠ

5. [+5, -0] I'm so proud of myself for quitting this drama after the 6th episode
