TV: [Spoilers!!!] Unpretty Rap Star 2 (Pilot)

Article: Wonder Girls Yoobin, "Park Jin Young PD was against me going on 'Unpretty 2'"

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+582, -24] She's passionate but doesn't tryhard, has opinions and delivers them properly, good at rapping but also pretty... great job, Yoobin!!

2. [+470, -18] She's actually a lot more safe than I thought. Not excessive but also not bad either.

3. [+450, -27] She's so pretty, looks like a Barbie doll ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

4. [+51, -6] I became her fan after watching this ㅠㅠㅠ From her personality to her mindset, she has so much charisma in the way she delivers her opinions. She's also the #1 rapper in my heart among the contestants. Helped out the other kids who were shooting for the first time. Truedy's good but Yoobin's good all around. Yeji's an idol who's shot music videos herself but she doesn't even know what a hook or bridge is and kept asking what??? what??? She's so disrespectful.

5. [+49, -4] After watching the show, it seems she's not a tryhard at all~ such an easygoing personality and so pretty too!


Article: 'Unpretty 2' Hyorin gets menboong from the first mission "I want to quit"

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+406, -54] Hyorin seems like a perfectionist who hates getting in the way of others so I think she struggled especially hard today ㅠㅠ fighting for next time. I feel like the show is emphasizing only Hyorin doing poorly way too much. She must be the episode's sacrifice, just like Jessi was last season.

2. [+363, -53] The show's already found their victim to latch on to ㅋㅋㅋ Hyorin obviously didn't want to get in the way and lip synced knowing the risks so how did she benefit at all from it? And of course they use her at the end when declaring the #1 winner, ugh. Fighting to Hyorin.

3. [+282, -35] Regardless, she's better than the team's rapper Bora ㅋ

4. [+35, -8] Would everyone be just as understanding if another rapper had lip synced??? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+33, -8] If a nugu had done what Hyorin did, the rappers would've ate her alive. Just because she's mainstream and getting involved would mean a bigger headache for them, they left her alone. Jessi would've caused a scene if she were here.


Article: 'Unpretty 2' Hyorin becomes the target of attacks from the female rappers

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+328, -24] I feel like the show is especially harsh to idols and attacks them like piranhas. Bias is fine but it's wrong to focus the attacks on her just for being an idol. It's awkward for her and these intimidation tactics are unnecessary. The intimidation tactics are enough for missions alone... I doubt they'll carry that act on for when they meet each other in the waiting rooms or when cameras are off.

2. [+283, -19] Hyorin's not usually this image so it's sad to see her like this here ㅠㅠ I think she has more to lose than gain by going on this show, she shouldn't have done it

3. [+171, -17] Truedy's the best and I was surprised at how good Yoobin is ㅋㅋㅋ


Article: Pilot broadcast 'Unpretty 2' Truedy wins #1 in first mission... Hyorin takes last place

Source: X Sports News via Naver

1. [+8,385, -513] Yoobin was the most professional in my opinion

2. [+6,850, -363] I like everything but I hope Truedy doesn't get too cocky... and Hyorin was a real disappointment while Yoobin said some words of wisdom at the end.

3. [+4,174, -361] I hope Gilme nuna doesn't feel intimidated ㅠㅠ

4. [+3,689, -533] Truedy's class, damn... and Hyorin's... lip sync.. let's just stick to singing

5. [+3,023, -624] Love Haze... Casper's so cute, this show's so fun

6. [+2,268, -110] Really have to give it to Yoobin for her personality and attitude.. showed professionalism

7. [+2,064, -162] First time seeing Hyorin so intimidated and down... I feel bad for her ㅠㅠ

8. [+1,941. -97] Yoobin definitely has an aura to her
