'The Fact' gets an exclusive interview with Seo Jisoo's 'victim'

Article: [The Fact Investigation - Seo Jisoo Controversy] What is the truth behind the dropped lawsuit of the 'Seo Jisoo' rumors?

Source: The Fact via Nate

'The Fact' sat down for an exclusive interview with the 'victim D' behind the rumors who claimed to have dated Seo Jisoo in the past. 'D' provided evidence of their relationship and Seo Jisoo's abuse through recorded files and letters/text messages exchanged. She also provided details on why the lawsuit was dropped and the various threats she received from Woollim as they told the public something different from what actually happened in court.


1. [+794, -34] So what's going, they weren't just rumors ㅡㅡ? Fans have been making a fuss saying it's not the truth so what is the truth then? If this article is true, why is her agency so insistent on keeping her in the group?

2. [+640, -32] So she was fined on an informality and requested a formal trial but the agency dropped the lawsuit and then media played about the case being resolved with a fine......

3. [+623, -42] Agencies should be responsible for leading kids down the right path as they achieve their dreams but they obviously only see them as cash cows... and these idols are on TV with their fake laughs and fake cries, making a joke out of the viewers... ugh, raise your kids right.

4. [+144, -6] So she was fined not for spreading false rumors but for defamation... which means the rumors are true then. And they think they can shamelessly get away with debuting her?

5. [+139, -3] So the rumors weren't completely false;;;;

6. [+130, -9] They're really trying to debut this thug? So dirty ㅡㅡ

7. [+122, -5] Woollim's a scary company

8. [+113, -2] There are truths mixed in with the rumors but Woollim tried to make the public believe that all of it was false

9. [+99, -9] Basically condemns Lovelyz to failure

10. [+89, -4] One thing's for sure, not all of the rumors were false

11. [+82, -4] Woollim's scary... is all of this really necessary for them to keep Seo Jisoo? Why do they want to keep her so bad?

12. [+79, -3] I wonder why the agency dropped the lawsuit... even if they took it to formal trial, it's important for them to confirm that the rumors were indeed false rumors... if Seo Jisoo really is innocent, the agency is going about the wrong way to prove it.

13. [+67, -3] A summary of what's going on:
1. Various victims involved in the case become threatened with being outed, sexual harassment, and the spreading of false information
2. The victims post the actual truth on the internet to clear their name and reveal Seo Jisoo and Woollim's lies but get fined for defamation. Woollim takes this to media play saying people were caught for spreading false information and fined and netizens believe it, calling the victims liars and psychologically ill. Seo Jisoo also cosplays as a victim saying she's getting treatment in the hospital while preparing for debut.
3. As it turns out, the victim had requested a formal trial to reveal the truth once and for all but Woollim drops the lawsuit and meets with the victim the threaten her and prohibit her from ever talking about Seo Jisoo in any interview or online.
4. In the process, the victim's identity has been revealed to the people she knows and she's currently unable to function in society while living in scrutiny and pain while Seo Jisoo prepares for her own debut.

14. [+62, -5] That's the thing, the people who were actually spreading false information were fined while still in the process of a lawsuit with the actual victim but Woollin only told the media about the fines as if the victim was one of those people who spread false information and then tried to make a settlement with her ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Woollim's so scary. It's not Seo Jisoo suffering from rumors but the victim right now. I really wonder what Lovelyz fans will shield her with now.
