'One Night' reveals another picture of Kim Hyun Joong's abuse

Article: 'One Night' more proof picture of Kim Hyun Joong's abuse revealed "Not photoshopped"

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+301, -4] Why would she want to still take a picture with him after being beaten to the point of bruises

2. [+193, -6] They're both hopeless

3. [+148, -16] His facial expression is creepy

4. [+19, -0] Look at him smiling and acting like he cares for her after beating her, isn't he a psychopath?

5. [+18, -0] They both seem like psychos... they really took a picture all smiley like that after being beaten???????? She has to be crazy.. I really wonder what she's thinking. And for her to even put this out as evidence...

6. [+18, -4] That woman has no self esteem... how could she be like this? This is not simply a woman in love but obviously a woman with no sense of worth who's just sticking to him because he's a celebrity even if he beats her

7. [+16, -9] Enough with this talk, just go and take your DNA test

8. [+15, -2] The bruise on the Dispatch picture was on the left arm so why is this picture on the right? Her medical note said left arm too... and how can you tell that it's a bruise from this picture quality? All of the shadows look like bruises, and Kim Hyun Joong's entire hand looks bruised.

9. [+12, -4] Why didn't she break up with him the first time she was beat, now she's in an even bigger mess..;;; I don't understand women who continue meeting men like this..

10. [+12, -6] Kim Hyun Joong's a psychopath
