[Updated: Denied] Lee Min Ho and Suzy break up?

Article: Lee Min Ho and Suzy break up, back to senior and junior after six months

Source: Asia Econ via Naver

1. [+3,153, -239] Nothing wrong with a young man and woman breaking up..

2. [+2,773, -404] They matched so well, the media should've just let them date quietly on their own... Dispatch following them so obsessively probably made them scared to go on dates as lovers.

3. [+2,072, -252] Journalists were always following them around and trying to link the two in articles, of course there's so much pressure on them. I hope they overcome the pain and find strength.

4. [+1,664, -220] They're both handsome and pretty and stars who treated their fans well so I supported them, such unfortunate news!

5. [+1,457, -272] Hul, they matched well though...

6. [+502, -48] I knew they'd eventually break up but not this quickly~

7. [+490, -87] Well journalists were the ones following around a barely month-old couple, imagine the pressure... I feel bad for them.

8. [+497, -130] It's funny because I'm sure they started dating when they were both busy but now they break up because they're busy? Doesn't make sense ㅎㅎ

9. [+618, -288] I think Lee Min Ho's the issue. He has such short relationships, he must be the type to get bored fast.

10. [+339, -32] Had a feeling


Source: Nate

1. [+273, -53] Or maybe they're still dating in secret, just acting like they broke up before they start new works?

2. [+223, -22] When were they ever not busy? ㅋㅋ

3. [+230, -91] Six months, hmmm.. it's possible

4. [+62, -10] Hul... I wanted them to last long. Seems Lee Min Ho's not the type to date for long periods of time.. he was like this with Park Min Young too...

5. [+50, -6] Lee Min Ho's fooling the public with his gentleman image... tsk tsk, he's already gone through so many female celebrities like this


Article: Lee Min Ho and Suzy reps, "Break up is unfounded rumor... they're still dating fine" official statement

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+1,335, -69] Why are journalists so invasive about this couple! Just leave them alone~!!

2. [+1,043, -47] Please check your facts before writing articles

3. [+747, -46] As expected of trash journalists

4. [+699, -37] Seems like it's a trend among journalists to write false articles

5. [+459, -45] Ah..........

6. [+188, -18] Poor couple is doing just fine but the news is accusing them of breaking up, how tiring
