JYP's DAY6 releases debut album

Article: JYP's boy band' DAY6 can write and compose songs

Source: TV Report via Naver

1. [+713, -42] JYP is killing it this year... for a rookie, their song is super high quality

2. [+548, -39] Their songs are all genuinely good.. I wish them luck

3. [+509, -33] I lik every song.. puts JYP in a new light for me

4. [+470, -34] Their sons are all alright~ ㅎㅎ good luck~

5. [+435, -24] Song's amazing, I want to hear them on music shows soo. Talented rookies.

6. [+139, -10] Just how badly is JYP promoting them that people don't even know they're under JYP and that they're new debuts...

7. [+134, -9] Judge them after you've listened to their song...! They're rookies but have so much potential.

8. [+133, -10] JYP has another girl group coming out this year too, is this the resurrection of JYP!?!

9. [+133, -13] I heard them live at the Busan Rock Festival and they were great!

10. [+124, -6] Song's jjang awesome, listen it to it twice, thrice!
