Hyelim talks about living in Hong Kong for 14 years

Article: Hyelim, "I lived in Hong Kong for 14 years, I often get mistaken for being Chinese"

Source: Newsne via Nate

1. [+336, -30] She was Korean? I'm finding out for the first time today... I thought she was Chinese all this time...

2. [+265, -42] Didn't they promote her as a Chinese member??? I thought she was Chinese all along ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

3. [+120, -10] Hul, I thought she was a Chinese member this whole time...

4. [+20, -0] People thought she was Chinese all this time because the only cared to listen to what they wanted to hear. I bet people will still be going "huh?? She's Korean?" when there's another article like this in the future

5. [+14, -0] I think she looks charming nowadays, maybe because of the changed style in make up and style

6. [+11, -7] It's not her make up, I thought she just looked Chinese so I assumed she was Chinese;;;

7. [+8, -2] I remember she was on 'Strong Heart' and said she and her parents were all Korean so don't misunderstand... ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+8, -3] She's Korean??? I'm pretty sure they called her Chinese when she first joined the Wonder Girls... she should've said so earlier ㅜㅜ
