Won Bin builds a home in Gangnam, preparing for his new family?

Article: Won Bin to build a 100-pyeong sized home in Gangnam... 'For Lee Na Young and their child?'

Source: Top Star News via Nate

1. [+1,408, -24] Building your own 100-pyeong home smack in the middle of Gangnam... celebrities certainly live on a different scale from us

2. [+957, -23] How happy he must be, I'm so jealous

3. [+375, -19] I wish I could make that much money and spend my time just living life

4. [+56, -1] I feel like celebrities make more money than they need

5. [+48, -1] I get that stars had to work hard to become stars but so do the rest of us as normal company employees and yet they make the type of money that we can only dream of. For a non-celebrity to even be eligible to afford a 100 million won home in Seoul, they'd have to literally save every penny they make for 10 years while stars at the same age are making 10 billion won.

6. [+39, -3] He became rich off his face, what is special about him?

7. [+38, -1] I guess having a handsome face really is the luck of wealth

8. [+35, -2] He's able to achieve so much with just a handsome face

9. [+34, -1] Him and Bae Yong Joon... barely do any acting work so how're they making all this money.. so jealous ㅋ

10. [+31, -1] I congratulate his marriage and I'm envious of his successful wealth... but I'm sick of hearing gossip news about him. Isn't it time that he gets in the news for something about his acting now??? He's an actor, we should be hearing news about his acting work....

11. [+30, -0] People are jealous of the fact that they only have to work for a few months and make enough money to take long breaks whenever they want. They have free time. For the rest of us, we have to work 365 days without rest... but celebrities can take time off and still get treated like kings and queens. What other job in the world is there where you get paid to work, get paid to go on vacation, get paid to sleep...

12. [+28, -3] The reason celebrities shouldn't be paid so much is because the wealth gets concentrated in the upper class. Companies need to hire these big name stars so they pay them huge CF contract fees which is then reflected by raising the prices of the products they're advertising to make up for the expense and who's paying the raise in price? The rest of us... so the companies make money, the stars make money, and we end up paying more than we need to when we don't even make as much as they do. I don't care if Won Bin's a respectful person or not, you can't deny that he makes a stupid amount of money compared to the actual amount of work any non-celebrity puts in their job.
