Sung Shi Kyung puts down a heavy female staff?

Article: Sung Shi Kyung criticized for putting down a woman's looks

Source: Kuki News via Nate

Sooyoung guested on one of his cable TV shows and he said, "How's life being so thin? Judging by the size of your wrist, you look like you'd snap in half." Sooyoung replied, "I'm the type who only gains weight in my face. It upsets me."

He then pointed with his chin to a heavier female staff member and said, "Look at her getting all mad. She hates it when we have female guests. She got all red when you said that you only gain weight in your face."


1. [+484, -210] How do women even live life when they get pissy over the littlest things like this?

2. [+388, -120] ? If the female staff was upset over it, I'd understand... but criticizing him over something little like this? People take life too seriously

3. [+316, -105] I don't know what was so controversial about what he said..? It wasn't at all to me; it seems more like the journalist is trying to stir controversy where there is none..

4. [+42, -9] Does he think that he's so perfect that there's nothing anyone else can point at with their chin and put down? There are chubby people in the world and also people with screwed up views like him... a variety of people everywhere. How dare he put down someone's looks on broadcast.

5. [+39, -12] Why are people saying it's not a big deal? Imagine if some male senior at school said this to you

6. [+36, -19] I think even a man would be upset if someone talked like that to him..

7. [+27, -23] People are so tiring

8. [+20, -3] To all the people who don't think it's a big deal... go up to a woman around you and say the exact same thing and see how she responds.


Source: Nate

1. [+78, -24] Sung Shi Kyung should just stick to singing... he seems to worsen his image the more varieties he's on.

2. [+48, -10] Rumors say that he's a pretty bad person. He held a concert at my town and he kept putting down the women in the audience... I'm used to it now.

3. [+37, -12] Yeah well he has ugly teeth

4. [+18, -3] As if he's some hot shot tsk tsk

5. [+14, -5] But Sooyoung really does have a big head... a big head in general. Sung Shi Kyung's head is huge but her size is similar hul...
