Song Seung Hun and Liu Yifei impresses with beautiful family genes

Article: Liu Yifei's mother's beauty surprises you?... Check out Song Seung Hun's father's handsome looks too!

Source: Herald Econ via Nate

1. [+1,434, -25] Song Seung Hun's father is just not fair. Not only is he handsome but look at that style... how can he be so stylish back then too?

2. [+1,111, -26] Song Seung Hun's father looks like Clark Kent!

3. [+764, -28] The handsome and beautiful only date the handsome and beautiful. They match well. The handsome actors are all leaving us one by one... So Ji Sub needs to meet his match too.

4. [+108, -1] Wow... the father turns Song Seung Hun into an octopus

5. [+107, -0] His dad looks like a Kingsman member

6. [+101, -1] His father's daebak, you'd never guess he was from another generation with looks like that

7. [+98, -0] I've never seen a Korean man look like Song Seung Hun's father... Song Seung Hun himself is one of the top in Korea in terms of looks but his father just makes me speechless

8. [+86, -0] Normally star parents never look as good as their kids but Song Seung Hun's father just stomps him away. He's so handsome.

9. [+74, -0] Real life Kingsman

10. [+51, -0] Both the daughter and the son look like downgraded versions of their mother and father
