'Intro to Architecture' director reveals he had to demand for Suzy to get 4 hours of sleep during filming

Article: 'Introduction to Architecture' Director, "I made JYP agree to a condition that they let Suzy get 4 hours of sleep"

Source: TV Report via Nate

"At the time, Suzy had to promote with her girl group as well. She would be up all night filming for the movie and I think it made it harder on her. The only thing I could do for her was to make JYP agree to a condition that they let Suzy sleep for more than 4 hours. Her condition seemed to have improved after she slept and her acting was better as well."


1. [+777, -59] 4 hours isn't that long either... ㅋㅋ but at least he stood up for her

2. [+687, -42] Working must be so fun if you made as much as Suzy did

3. [+523, -100] The hours of sleep you need correlates to your age. At Suzy's age, it's recommended that she gets 7 hours of sleep. 4 hours is what some 70+ elderly would need. This is just plain wrong for her.

4. [+40, -6] So she barely got 4 hours of sleep but still worked hard and smiled for everyone, I don't know why anyone could hate on her.

5. [+39, -17] She couldn't even sleep 4 hours a night when she was as young as 18 years old... amazing, Suzy!!

6. [+37, -6] I still remember Seohyun ridiculously talking about how this role was supposed to be hers ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+36, -6] Even to the public, it was obvious she had schedules every day... so I can see how she'd not have time to sleep if we counted all of the schedules that the public never got to see/off camera.

8. [+34, -6] There are tons of non-celebrities who work without getting much hours of sleep every day, I don't know why commoners are always feeling bad for celebrities and are so worried for them. Worry for your own parents. Celebrities lose sleep over one project but then spend the rest of the 10 months doing pictorials and CFs and living comfortably. Your parents barely get a few vacation days a year and work all year long for their money.

9. [+25, -4] Why would anyone be worried for her? She probably sleeps more than the rest of us when she's not promoting.

10. [+25, -5] JYP has a tendency to just work you like a dog if you're doing well... just how desperate for sleep was she that she asked for 4 hours..


Source: Naver

1. [+16,219, -336] If 4 hours was the most she got, then that means she normally didn't even get 4 hours of sleep... how can she survive

2. [+13,158, -672] Just how hard did JYP work her like a dog that the director had to step up and put up a condition like that. Still amazing of her for pulling through with the movie.

3. [+10,020, -232] Humans need sleep

4. [+8,478, -322] People need a minimum of 6 hours... it's bad for your health to sleep too little

5. [+956, -51] If I pull an all nighter even for one night, I get eye bags and my skin breaks out like crazy. Not being able to sleep is stressful but I bet Suzy was even more stressed at her skin condition on the camera screen. Especially in a country where even the littlest flaw gets you so much hate.

6. [+786, -76] People usually show their true colors when they're sleep deprived and stressed but there's never been a bad word about her. She must have a good head on her shoulders.

7. [+692, -35] I guess she barely got 4 hours during 'Dream High' then ㅠㅠ

8. [+683, -45] The director had to step in because her agency wouldn't even let her sleep... Suzy-ya, you suffered ㅠㅠㅠ
