TV: [Spoilers!!!] Show Me the Money 4

Article: 'Show Me the Money 4' Brand New music team Hanhae vs Black Nut eliminated?

Source: News 1 via Naver

1. [+5,121, -162] According to rumors, Black Nut gets eliminated but Hanhae volunteers to eliminate himself because he stuttered on his verse. Hanhae's true hip hop.

2. [+3,880, -91] SMTM is better at cliff hangers than most dramas...

3. [+3,492, -104] I think Black Nut gets eliminated but Hanhae volunteers to leave because he thinks he should be eliminated instead

4. [+3,406, -71] I wish Mnet would knock it off with this editing. So annoying how they ended it without showing who gets eliminated.

5. [+2,650, -895] Honestly, I think Hanhae should be eliminated..

6. [+895, -52] Hanhae messed up his lyrics so he should be eliminated ㅠㅠ he's still good though

7. [+869, -32] Hanhae's going to go through a tough time

8. [+438, -35] Hanhae's seriously so different from that Vernon bastard, so cool of him. And I read in the spoilers that he volunteers to leave.
