TV: [Spoilers!!!] Infinity Challenge Music Festival

Article: 'Infinity Challenge' music festival, these fights will end up in high quality songs

Source: Mydaily via Naver

1. [+18,454, -1,176] I'm most worried about Park Myung Soo and IU, IU looks too depressed ㅠㅠ

2. [+15,940, -1,114] I feel so bad for IU, you can tell she's forcing herself to laugh

3. [+14,303, -1,675] Ah, Park Myung Soo's greed for festival events;;;

4. [+8,708, -316] Hul, unexpected results...

5. [+6,043, -227] I just want them to hurry up with the digital releases..

6. [+3,640, -126] It's becoming an infinity challenge of the singers and not so much the members anymore

7. [+3,673, -255] Myung Soo hyung is being so stubborn with the EDM... the best song is one that remains in your memories longer.

8. [+3,546, -132] Today's episode made me realize Taeyang's the better person

9. [+2,941, -68] Taeyang was so funny today ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+2,892, -76] G-Dragon was right, he seems like he's just tacking on whatever he wants to the song. I remember another comment calling the song a 'diseased EDM'.

11. [+2,955, -140] From the viewers' perspective, we of course haven't heard all of the songs yet but IU's is way better. Like GD said, it sounds like they mixed in some cheap sounding EDM into it.

12. [+2,859, -248] Poor IU ㅠㅠ You can tell she's having such a hard time

13. [+2,622, -32] I feel bad for Yoon Sang too ㅠㅠ He wanted something modern and classy but Jung Jun Ha is being stubborn.

14. [+2,651, -215] IU's facial expression looked so uncomfortable the entire time.. I feel bad for her.

15. [+2,167, -120] IU's original version is already so good~~ but for the festival, it wouldn't hurt to have something more exciting.. it'd be nice to have two versions of the digital release.
