TOP blasts an anti on Instagram

Article: Big Bang TOP reveals anti fan's comment on SNS account

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+903, -37] Why should someone get to hate and the other person just hold it in??? An eye for an eye

2. [+864, -33] Looks like her account's going to explode with messages now. She deserves it.

3. [+532, -24] What's so wrong with uploading a screencap of a comment someone mindlessly left on his account? She shouldn't have written that comment to begin with. TOP and other celebrities shouldn't hold back anymore.

4. [+52, -0] He's not encouraging anything, people like her deserve exactly the same as what they're doing to others

5. [+50, -0] I agree with him publicly sharing that..

6. [+38, -7] Hating someone is your freedom but I will never understand people who go to someone's SNS just to proudly write that too

7. [+36, -0] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Good

8. [+35, -1] I don't like Big Bang but he handled it well.. ㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+32, -0] The minute you threaten to sue people like them, they start saying sorry. They need to suffer what they're doing to others.

10. [+31, -0] Public execution ㅎㅎ
