NYC Animal Battalion protest Korea's dog meat consumption

Article: "South Korea stop this"... protest in New York, America

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

NYC Animal Battalion held a protest on 57th street saying "South Korea Stop This" regarding the consumption of dog meat.

1. [+1,444, -105] I don't eat dog meat or want to ever eat it but I don't like how it's only Korea that's perceived as a dog meat eating country. There are plenty of other countries that eat it too..

2. [+1,380, -204] They're messed up. Why do they judge the food culture of another country based on their own standards? There's definitely a need to fix the way dogs are kept and slaughtered but this is not an issue that another country should be protesting over. They're also not very logical... their only argument is that dogs are friends;;;

3. [+1,072, -241] Why do they think they have the right to put down another country's food culture?

4. [+96, -5] People in India don't eat cows for religious reasons but you don't see them going around protesting other countries and demanding that they refrain from eating cows. These people have problems because they don't know how to respect the cultures of other countries.

5. [+80, -4] They should watch some cow documentaries then. isn't America the biggest consumers of beef? Cows are family too but they're eating family anyway so Americans should stop eating beef too.

6. [+58, -3] Have you ever seen an Indian put up protests against beef?

7. [+55, -1] Why do they have to pinpoint Korea? China eats dog meat too. They should protest the consumption of dog meat in general, not Korea.

8. [+39, -2] I don't want to eat dog meat either but each country has its own culture and it's important to respect that.
