Male students leave post-it notes in the bathroom thanking their janitor lady

Article: Camera records acts of kindness to janitor in men's bathroom

Source: Oh My News via Naver [video]

Students at Sungkyunkwan University started a mini bathroom campaign experiment asking male students to leave a little message of gratitude for the janitor ladies.

They initially didn't expect much participation but many students actually stopped and read the post-it note and wrote some of their own, leaving messages like, "The reason I'm comfortable now is because there is someone sacrificing themselves for me where they cannot be seen, thank you" and "I'm not able to express this but thank you".

The janitor lady recognized the post-its for her immediately and smiled brightly in the video before leaving her own post-it thanking them back.


1. [+6,659, -161] So heartwarming ♥♥♥

2. [+3,417, -76] Such heartwarming news. I'd love for our world to find more happiness in little things like this.

3. [+2,007, -72] These women are no one other than our own mothers.

4. [+1,688, -208] What a great college

5. [+202, -15] Touched by such a kind idea... I'd also like to thank the janitor ajummas who clean our apartment complex.

6. [+71, -3] For the people worried about the post-it clean up, it takes less than 10 seconds to just rip them off...
