KBS gets mad and denies accusations of being a copycat

Article: Why did KBS get so mad at accusations of copying

Source: No Cut News via Nate

1. [+173, -3] It's obvious to anyone that they're copying shows, how can they deny that.... Did they expect us to just be like, "Oh, I guess you really didn't copy then..." They could've just partly admitted it by saying, "Well (their) show has a good format and we're keeping up with the trends, so..." and people who like their show will continue watching and those who don't want to won't... but I hate how they stubbornly deny that they're copying.

2. [+141, -4] It's always the one who has something to hide that gets mad when you accuse them of it

3. [+132, -1] Why are they getting mad when they're the ones who clearly copied the shows..

4. [+18, -5] I doubt KBS would've come up with the show 'Superman' if 'Dad!' didn't get popular. Or '1N2D' which copied 'Infinity Challenge'. And when SBS had 'My Heart's Beating' and MBC had 'Real Men', KBS came out with their own experience variety about policemen which failed ㅋㅋ then when 'I Am a Singer' took off, they came out with 'Immortal Song', which was supposed to be about rediscovering idols but after they ran out of content, they eventually started casting singers who were more fit for 'I Am a Singer' ㅋㅋㅋ Please, if you have any shame at all, take a look at your history... Are you going to copy 'Mask Best Singer' next? Copy it by using silhouettes instead of masks, am I right?

5. [+17, -2] They shouldn't be mad at us for accusing them, they should be mad at their own PDs for copying.. They should be ashamed, really.

6. [+12, -2] There are even more shows KBS has copied! tvN's 'Martian Virus' was copied by KBS coming out with 'Hello'... they then copied SBS's 'Law of the Jungle' by coming out with 'Brave Family'.. then they copied Channel A's 'The Great National Athlete' with 'Our Neighborhood Fine Arts'... and of course, the most representative of all, '1N2D' which is a copy of 'Infinity Challenge'
