JYP confirms 4 member Wonder Girls comeback with Sunmi

Article: [Exclusive] Wonder Girls completes MV filming today... comeback as a 4 member group

Star News via Nate

1. [+240, -25] A Wonder Girls is not a Wonder Girls without Sohee

2. [+205, -11] Sunmi, eh... I guess it'll be refreshing and for nostalgia's sake

3. [+156, -5] Why'd they deny it in the first place if they're going to comeback???

4. [+25, -1] I feel like they'll even be pushed over by their juniors AOA if they comeback now... but still, it's the Wonder Girls. Can't help but be excited. Once a girl group that held Korea in the palm of their hands... upsetting! Wishing them a successful recovery!

5. [+21, -3] But Sohee's their mascot...


Source: Naver

1. [+3,735, -204] They'd be the one top if they never went to America

2. [+2,268, -72] Hul daebak

3. [+2,134, -82] Daebak... a Wonder Girls comeback ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

4. [+2,114, -217] Wow, the real legends are coming

5. [+2,085, -418] Can Sunye please just leave the group

6. [+483, -21] No Sohee, though...

7. [+306, -51] The group is lacking a lot of impact with just these members


Article: JYP reps, "Wonder Girls to return as 4 with Sunmi... comeback after July"

OSEN via Naver

1. [+1,575, -60] Big Bang - Lies and WG - Tell Me days were the best

2. [+1,026, -79] This is crazy ㅠㅠㅠ I love it

3. [+841, -43] I had a feeling this would happen but didn't expect them to actually go through with it ㅋㅋㅋ hul

4. [+774, -60] Daebak.. looking forward to it

5. [+186, -14] So sad about Sohee... her acting career's important but I thought she'd prioritize WG first...
