Follow Up: SECRET reps clarify again that there is no discord

Article: SECRET reps, "Sunhwa suggesting discord again? There is no discord" repeated clarification

News 1 via Naver

1. [+8,741, -246] Please block her from SNS. She's getting so unlikable ever since she started acting.

2. [+8,003, -308] Feels like Sunhwa's getting cocky after a few dramas and she's purposely starting discord so she can leave

3. [+6,413, -171] I don't know what's going on exactly but this article makes it sound like she has a celebrity disease... she shouldn't be posting that kind of stuff on SNS.

4. [+5,059, -110] As the old sayings go, be humble the higher you fly.

5. [+1,152, -26] What just happened was basically like Hyosung being put in a team project but she ended up doing the entire powerpoint on her own and finally presented it. Sunhwa should've just stayed quiet but of course she has to mess it up and get the group an F ㅋㅋㅋ I don't think her blank paper image was a concept, I think she's really that dumb

6. [+690, -10] Hyosung's busy running around clarifying discord while Sunhwa's busy running around causing discord ㅋㅋ

7. [+683, -24] Sunhwa, don't get so cocky and lose your roots just because your weekend drama did well. Anyone could've played the role of 'Baek Jangmi' and it wouldn't have mattered because the role was irrelevant to the drama itself doing well. Just look at what happened to Nicole and Jiyoung after they lost their roots and gave up on their groups... do you not see what the better decision here is? Just a comment left by a former fan who finds this unfortunate

8. [+635, -21] Does she not realize she's even getting to shoot dramas because of her SECRET name? Without SECRET, her level is the type of actresses who shoot a daily drama and then disappear into obscurity


Source: Nate

1. [+241, -14] The problem is that she tweets unfiltered before her agency can even deal with the mess... if she's dumb in the head, she should at least know what's going on.. What's wrong with her ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+225, -11] Sunhwa must've been jealous of Suzy... same idol, different paths ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+212, -7] One side keeps saying there's no discord, Sunhwa keeps whining on SNS ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ is this a new comedy show?

4. [+17, -2] Sunhwa thinks she's Suzy level

5. [+16, -0] I feel bad for Hyosung now. She shielded SECRET so much but Sunhwa goes and ruins it on SNS.
