Female stars and white skinny jeans style

Article: Female stars and how they style white skinny jeans

Source: Dispatch via Nate

1. [+501, -51] I'm a woman and no one can live up to how Kim Haneul looks in them. She has the best legs from her hips down to her ankles.

2. [+288, -81] Lee Da Hae and Seohyun are the best. Jessica and Goo Hara are the worst.

3. [+168, -60] Seohyun's actually quite voluptuous and has a good body. Lee Da Hae, of course, is the best when it comes to clothes fit.

4. [+26, -5] White jeans are on the ban list for me ㅜ So jealous that they can pull it off

4. [+25, -8] Wow, Lee Da Hae all kills with her picture

5. [+21, -7] "Designer" Jessica ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+18, -5] No matter what you argue, Lee Da Hae is the best when it comes to skinny jean fit. She looks amazing in that first picutre.

7. [+15, -1] Lee Da Hae's body...

8. [+14, -2] White jeans make me paranoid... it makes you look so fat.

9. [+13, -2] Wow Lee Da Hae..

10. [+12, -0] You also have to worry about what color underwear you wear..
