'Comedy Big League' criticized for gag on monks, apologizes

Article: 'Comedy Big League' criticized for putting down religion "Disappointed in Korea"

Source: Oh My News via Naver + Nate

1. [+862, -66] Issues relating to the government and religion are topics that shouldn't be treated lightly, especially since people all over the world have such different views on them. 'Comedy Big League' definitely made a mistake this time and I hope they're more careful in the future...

2. [+784, -78] It's often wise not to use religion in comedy. It can screw you over.

3. [+858, -31] Yeah, it'd be wise not to touch on religious issues in a comedy show. Too dangerous.

4. [+627, -15] The controversy's only as big as it is because it's Buddhism. Imagine if they touched Islam, I bet the cast and the broadcast channel would be glad they're even alive.

5. [+578, -33] I don't know how stuff like this gets past the PD every week. The PD who even let this through is so irresponsible.


Article: 'Comedy Big League' reps, "We did not mean to put down a religion... we apologize if you were offended" (official statement)

Source: TV Report via Naver

1. [+2,678, -702] I don't understand why we can't just take comedy for what it is instead of applying all these religious issues to it. Just don't watch it if you don't want to.

2. [+2,279, -494] Funny how no one said a word when Kim Young Hee was wearing a tux and singing hymns

3. [+1,832, -350] What's wrong with an atheist person expressing his views of religion in a gag?

4. [+1,593, -209] I didn't really see anything controversial when I watched it..

5. [+1,418, -232] The point of the gag wasn't to put down religion, though... this is such a stretch

6. [+289, -35] People clearly aren't reading the article because it says at the end that this was controversial not in Korea but in Thailand. The meaning of Buddhism in Thailand is different than in Korea.

7. [+208, -26] I'm sure running gags while dressed as a priest and whatnot are okay... but once you commit actions like physically breaking the cross and harassing the Buddha statue, that's when it becomes an issue of a whole another level.

8. [+170, -26] I agree it was wrong to harass and hit the statue of Buddha like that. Imagine if someone did that to someone dressed as Jesus or the Virgin Mary? We definitely crossed a line if even foreigners are calling us out on it
