JYP denies rumors of Sunmi regrouping with the Wonder Girls

Article: Sunmi, a comeback by reuniting with Wonder Girls?

Bridge Econ via Nate

Sunye's uncle wrote, "This is Wonder Girls' Sunmi. She'll be making a comeback at the second half of the year by reuniting (with the Wonder Girls)."

JYP said, "We heard about the rumors but there has not been anything decided yet."


1. [+329, -42] She's just dabbling in everything ㅡㅡ said she'd focus on her studies now she's solo and now she's back in the group ㅡㅡ

2. [+273, -14] A Wonder Girls without Sohee though...

3. [+251, -24] What will her joining change..

4. [+35, -18] So why'd she leave then?? She randomly leaves, goes to Dongguk Uni for acting, doesn't even pursue acting...

5. [+28, -7] But the Wonder Girls doesn't have the face of their group Sohee ㅠㅠ but I do want to hear new songs from them



1. [+1,350, -30] We don't even know if the Wonder Girls will ever return

2. [+966, -62] Sunmi has nothing to benefit off of from going back to the Wonder Girls

3. [+852, -116] I still don't get why she randomly left to pursue an acting major??? And then she never attended classes..

4. [+779, -130] She's the weird one who left to becoming an acting major only to come back as a singer ㅎㅎㅎ It'd be laughable to see her go back to the Wonder Girls

5. [+617, -71] The Wonder Girls as a group has disintegrated, how can Sunmi go back? They say it's not a disbandment but without a leader that's pretty much a disbandment. Hyelim was unable to fill Sunmi's spot and Sunye did not do her part as the leader.

6. [+137, -29] SNSD was unable to even put their name up there with WG... if only Park Jin Young didn't screw around with the American advancement, they wouldn't be where they are now.

7. [+103, -11] Sohee was the rice in a kimbap and she's out of the group. Sunye was the seaweed and she's an ajumma. Sunmi was basically just a filling so what's her returning going to do anything? You need the rice and seaweed to make a kimbap...

8. [+136, -44] The Wonder Girls was a group Park Jin Young made and was about to destroy but Sunye threw a grenade down and made them hit rock bottom herself.
