Jo Kwon clarifies that he's not actually in a relationship + ambiguous post

Article: Jo Kwon clarifies dating rumors, "I'm not dating"

TV Report via Naver

"I just checked the articles. I'm not dating. I want to. I didn't even say in the interview that I'm currently dating anyone, super surprised."

He also posted on his Instagram:

Jo Kwon: I like jjambbong.
Person: What a joke. I know you like jajangmyun.
Jo Kwon: No, I said I like jjambbong.
Person: You normally don't like noodles with broth. Therefore, you 100% like jajangmyun.
Jo Kwon: I'm telling you that I like jjambbong, why do you keep saying jajangmyun?
Person: What you think isn't important. I'm saying you like jajangmyun. You can't refute that. It's 100% true.


1. [+2,892, -55] I wish he would just date

2. [+1,596, -28] So was it a misunderstanding

3. [+1,005, -105] Okay, gotcha

4. [+979, -83] That whole jajangmyun conversation can basically be replaced with 'female' for jjambbong and 'male' for jajangmyun.

5. [+261, -26] Why do people want Jo Kwon to be gay so badly? He says he's not

6. [+243, -19] Looks like he compared the netizen accusations of him being gay to that jajangmyun conversation... He always says he likes women but haters keep saying he likes men.

7. [+258, -46] Why are there so many people claiming to have seen him at a gay bar in Itaewon all over SNS

8. [+212, -30] Kwon-ah, you gave a very misleading answer. (Kwon's original interview answer: I'm 27 years old now so it makes no sense that I've been single all this while. I was in a 'some' before and I'm currently seeing someone with positive feelings although the feelings are still ambiguous as to whether I really like them or not.") Either way, you said you are seeing someone with positive feelings so of course people are going to think, ah! he is dating. If you weren't sure of your feelings for that person, why mention them at all in your interview?

9. [+172, -9] Imagine how much he hates being called gay that he had to post up that jjambbong conversation. Think of his mother reading the hate he gets, just how atrocious are your actions..

10. [+157, -9] That jajangmyun conversation ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Guess he really isn't gay with how outright he's being about it
