Court orders forced arbitration on Kris and Luhan vs SM

Article: [Exclusive] Court orders Kris and Luhan vs SM's exclusive contract lawsuit to 'forced arbitration'

Star News via Naver

1. [+1,552, -106] Traitors ㅡㅡ I hope this sets a good example so that nobody else tries this again

2. [+1,378, -98] Anyone who dares betray needs to fail into the ground

3. [+1,001, -109] What about Tao?
- Tao just ran away, without even filing a lawsuit
- Who knows about Tao, he hasn't put out an official statement and I've pretty much just had it with him. Whatever happens will happen.
- Tao's the most ridiculous in this ㅋㅋㅋ he should put out an official statement if he's out for good but he basically ran away and hasn't said a word ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+992, -128] Win SM! Win SM!

5. [+722, -52] Finally...

6. [+200, -12] What about Tao? ㅋㅋㅋ He left because of an injury and then started talking about wanting to become an action actor before leaving for America. ANd what about Lay? He's always at his Japanese and Chinese schedules but always skipping his Korean promos ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+193, -18] I wish Tao and Lay would hurry up and leave too, please stop causing scandals every time a new album's out, just leave quietly...

8. [+183, -16] Another moment where Victoria's loyalty is amazing..
