Ladies Code to comeback within the year

Article: [Exclusive] Ladies Code gears up for comeback... could be back within the year

Source: E-Daily vi Naver

1. [+1,531, -38] I'll miss RiSe when they comeback.. Eunbi too... the two were the visual members.. and so nice ㅠㅠ

2. [+1,170, -21] I wish they'll come back with a good song and a bright image..

3. [+990, -21] Must've been hard to decide to comeback so I hope they'll come out with a good song ^^

4. [+783, -14] Find strength!! Fighting!!

5. [+135, -3] I don't think the two would've wanted the group to disband anyway. I hope they work hard and and become a group to be remembered for a long time.. I'm sure that's what the two would've wanted.


Source: Nate

1. [+203, -3] I hope they can recover from the trauma of losing their friends and work and do well

2. [+167, -5] I hope the remaining three will work hard and do better for the other two's behalf

3. [+129, -2] As hard as it has been.. I want to see them happy again. Supporting you...!!!
