World water shortage
Article: Severe shortage of water... global 'water businesses' heavy competition
Source: KBS via Naver
1. [+260, -13] Remember when people in the past used to joke: "Pfft... people will be able to walk around while watching TV?? Why don't you joke that there will come a day where we buy water too?"
2. [+189, -9] Fighting! Korea has good quality water but our water pipes aren't that good so it turns me off from drinking it...
3. [+183, -20] Let's please conserve water. It's only a minimal amount of discomfort on our end to help a bigger cause.
4. [+147, -7] I hope Korea manages our water well too so that we can grow into a growth power
5. [+130, -11] I want to start a water business, I feel like it'd hit daebak
6. [+44, -1] I hate people who conserve water at home but leave faucets and stuff running in public places like libraries and public bathrooms because they're not the ones paying the water bill.
7. [+32, -1] 70% of the world is in a water shortage. Korea may seem like we have a lot of water but we're actually in a shortage too. Let's all try to conserve~
8. [+22, -2] We really should be scared but I feel like Koreans are too lax about it. The majority think like "just little old me conserving water won't help" but think of how many people leave the faucet running when they brush their teeth, wash the dishes, shampoo their hair... Our youth should consider a future where they're old and without water, isn't that scary?