TOP also joins Instagram with an explosion of updates + GD sports a mustache

Article: [Selfie] GD&TOP, contrasting faces

Source: Dispatch via Naver

1. [+966, -25] Jiyong-ah, shave that mustache

2. [+697, -23] Must..ache..? Is that really GD? Hul, he really doesn't match it

3. [+643, -41] TOP gets more handsome by the day

4. [+553, -36] TOP's so handsome.. and GD t-too... but what's up with his mustache

5. [+388, -34] TOP is so sweet with his words

6. [+143, -9] TOP's so handsome but I wish GD would shave ㅠㅠ

7. [+123, -3] Jiyong-ah, you look better without a mustache~~

8. [+125, -18] GD with a mustache makes him look like an average hyung from your neighborhood..

9. [+117, -11] Thought GD was Haha for a second, doesn't match the mustache

10. [+118, -14] What does TOP eat to get so handsome?
