Soyu puts on some weight?

Article: Soyu 'body looks like it has a bit of weight up'

TV Daily via Nate

1. [+419, -57] Soyu-ya, you're done for if you gain weight

2. [+416, -37] Her belly's saying hi

3. [+334, -90] She looks bad with more weight on her. Her face looks so puffy.

4. [+30, -2] People like Soyu end up on a one track train to hell the minute they stop managing their bodies

5. [+27, -9] Doesn't look like weight gain but more like her clothes are too small for her

6. [+25, -2] I don't know why people insist on wearing clothes that are clearly too tight for them to the point where their stomach bulges out. It's embarrassing to look at.

7. [+24, -13] Ewww her sides

8. [+22, -3] Why are ugly girls like her in the news all the time. Why can't we see pretty girls in the news like this?

9. [+20, -5] She's not chubby but her clothes are clearly too small for her... ㅋㅋㅋ But this picture is definitely one that will be remembered

10. [+20, -12] I think she looks better with some weight on her, or am I weird?
