[Pann] Updated 'Dream Concert' fandom seating drama

Instiz: Current Dream Concert fandom seats with updated SM 


Blue - VIXX
Indigo - Nine Muses
Pink - Topp Dogg + Lovelyz
Light Brown - KARA
Dark Brown - INFINITE
Gray - EXO
Coral - Red Velvet
Teal - SHINee
Dark Green - B1A4
Light Green - Got7 & B1A4
Pink - Oh My Girl
Light Blue - BtoB
Purple - 4minute + CLC
Lavender - T-ara, SECRET, Halo, SOnamoo
Coral - BTS
Orange - EXID


"That middle area is going to be so competitive..."

"What's up with T-ara and SECRET's seats"

"Come on, SM, Red Velvet needs more seats ㅜㅜㅜ"

"Even if you have designated seating, people just spread out on their own.."

"Red Velvet looks like baby sisters between their oppas like that ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"

"BtoB, 4minute, and CLC actually sit all together without any division"

"EXO's is way too small.. I think they'll end up spreading out."

"Cube's is tiny"


Pann: What's up with the Got7 fans?

Since the fandom seating isn't designated by 'Dream Concert' but just guided seating set by the company, there really aren't any rules to where you have to sit but it's just fandom culture and etiquette to generally follow the seating guidelines. Got7 fans didn't follow this and basically bought tickets to seats that aren't theirs, namely B1A4's.

1. [+159, -41] Banas are so nice. They should be super pissed off right now but they apologized for all of this first. They have to be saints.

2. [+147, -28] This psycho fandom acting so confident after stealing someone else's seats

3. [+126, -22] They're even bringing up all sorts of rumors to talk sh*t too

4. [+75, -9] I don't think this will be resolved until fanpages apologize... They bought out a block in the middle of Banas' block and just ask them to put up with it?

5. [+72, -9] People are arguing that Banas have a lot of seats but there's a reporter's block in the middle and the second floor has less seats than the third. What do they expect the Banas to do when they have a random fandom in the middle of their own block? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+36, -11] I'm thinking these Got7 fans purposely chose the middle so that they can take up seats to their left and right ㅡㅡ There are unsaid rules to this and Got7 just declared war by breaking them. If they keep this up, they're going to get it bad by all of the fandoms at Dream Concert until they wake up.

7. [+35, -11] B1A4 and Got7 aren't even on the same class ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Who cares if they're JYP, they don't even have many fans or public recognition. B1A4 is way more popular which is why they obviously got more seats than them.

8. [+30, -5] Poor Banas... this would be unfair for me too ㅠ

9. [+29, -8] Heard Got7 fans purposely called JYP and asked for their block to be smack in the middle of B1A4's ㅋㅋㅋ and then they're saying JYP chose the block so they had no choice ㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+17, -5] Got7 fans getting their own artist hate.. sigh
