[Pann] Is Jessica fluent in English?

Pann: Jessica was only born in America but I don't think she's fluent in English

1. [+42, -0] No one's hating on her ㅋㅋㅋ It's the truth. Tiffany's English sounds native while Jessica sounds more like a student who studied abroad. Didn't she also train the longest for 7 years with the members? And counting her years with SNSD, that's another 7-8 years so she's lived in Korea longer than in America. To us she might sound like an American native with her English name and everything but her pronunciation isn't that great.

2. [+42, -2] Yeah, Krystal's good but Jessica seems more comfortable with Korean. I remember watching their reality together and she spoke in Korean for the more complicated expressions. As someone who studied abroad in America, it's funny to me that she mixes English and Korean because I strictly use one or the other depending on if I'm in Korea or not but Jessica seems like she's forcefully mixing in English to make it seem like she's comfortable with it ㅋㅋ

3. [+37, -0] ㅋㅋㅋ It's true, there's a big gap between her and Tiffany... Tiffany's the real native speaker, not Jessica.

4. [+21, -3] Krystal's not that good, she's about a junior high school level. It sounds good to the ears but she basically pronounces words like the stars on TV. Both of the sisters have decent pronunciations but their English skills are average.

5. [+17, -1] I don't mind that they're bad at English but it's funny how they always try to act American ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+14, -0] Jessica has better pronunciation but I think Krystal is better at English by a bit. Not that Krystal's any good either... Jessica's definitely not at the native level and it's kind of funny how they both act like they're good.

7. [+11, -2] Weren't they just born in America but lived the majority of their lives in Korea? Kids like that, their English skills are usually only up to where they left off of.

8. [+11, -0] I was born and raised in Korea but I can understand all of Jessica's English ㅋㅋㅋ Even I know that much although my pronunciation's not as good. I can't understand Tiffany, Brian, or G.NA though.
