Lay answers question about Luhan in Sohu interview

Article: EXO Lay in contact with ex-member Luhan "We had a meal together"

: TV Report via Nate

1. [+163, -9] EXO seems like they'll be just fine without their Chinese members though...?

2. [+163, -13] I bet 50 cents on him leaving the group too

3. [+117, -11] Just leave to China.

4. [+24, -2] CEO Zhang... too busy to deal with your Korean fans because of your movie filming but you sure do participate in a lot of interviews ㅋㅋㅋㅋ You're greedily mistaken if you think you can catch two birds with one stone so screw off.

5. [+18, -3] Two timer

6. [+17, -1] This kid's 100% going to leave if Kris and Luhan win their lawsuits

7. [+16, -3] Communicating with the traitors. How about you just leave the group too, clean and square. Or are you not popular enough to?

8. [+14, -1] I don't care whether he meets with them or not but if he has any shame as an EXO member and if he truly intends to remain as an EXO member, stop talking about the members who left. It's an uncomfortable topic for the Korean members and the fans don't want to hear about it at all ㅡㅡ


Source: Naver

1. [+103, -10] There was an article last year saying Luhan and Lay contacted Hankyul. SM's trying to keep Lay in the group by giving him that one man agency it seems. With all of the restrictions in China, I don't think SM will get much out of their investments there so stop casting Chinese kids. They might as well keep making a profit in Japan with their Tokyo Dome concerts, which is expected to bring in $40 million. Concerts in China are hard to get permits for and there are knock-off merchandise everywhere so there's no money to be made there. SM has a lot of antis in China now because of the members who left. Please keep Chinese members out of Rookiez.

2. [+74, -12] What in the world is going on

3. [+95, -34] Does he not keep in contact with the Korean members?

4. [+108, -59] And so this proves that Lay and Luhan are on one boat. Luhan needs EXO's image and Lay needs the connections with Luhan. If Lay's going to promote with EXO only when he feels like it, I'd rather he leave.

5. [+28, -1] The Chinese media keeps linking him to those members in their questions for articles... well, I hope they work hard in the paths they've chosen.


Article: Baekhyun releases 'EXO Next Door' OST 'Beautiful'

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+272, -38] Was surprised to hear the song while watching ㅋㅋㅋ good song, Baekhyun-ah ㅠㅠㅠ ♥♥ Fighting!!!!

2. [+252, -34] Baekhyun's vocal color is really good..! Hopefully he gets a lot more opportunities to sing in OSTs

3. [+222, -34] Baekhyun's a good singer ㅠㅠ

4. [+202, -29] Was waiting for it to be released... ♥♥

5. [+193, -27] The bit I heard was good ㅎㅎ Want to hear more ♥
