14 high schoolers arrested for beating up passerbys for "looking at them"

Article: 14 high schoolers arrested for assaulting passerbys for "looking at them"

Source: Yonhap News via Naver [cctv clip in second article below]

A group of 17 year old high school boys beat up two 26 year old passerbys simply for the fact that they "looked at them". The victims suffered several injuries requiring six weeks of treatment along with a broken brow bone.

When questioned by police on why they committed the assault, they said, "Because they looked at us."


1. [+392, -2] Police held off investigations in consideration for their school schedule... as if they even go to school.

2. [+290, -6] When I think back to my school days... the really scary kids usually stuck to themselves and had basic respect.. but it was always the rowdy ones that went around in packs and abused their strength in numbers. I wonder if those students would've still beat someone up if it was just the two of them instead of 14..

3. [+228, -2] People need to stop going so easy on teens. Just hit them hard with an expulsion, they don't even deserve to go to school.

4. [+218, -3] Give them a harsh punishment so they never think to do this again

5. [+120, -0] Damn, looking at them twice will get you death

6. [+101, -0] Throw 'em in jail. They're just going to end up being criminals in the future anyway, who actually beats someone up for looking at them? It's better to remove students like them from society as fast as possible.

7. [+101, -9] I really hope they get proper punishment instead of being let off for being young or students again.

8. [+83, -2] Well that's going on their records... good luck trying to get out of that hole once you're an adult looking for jobs. Sigh, kids are so dumb. Don't realize how long life is and how long you'll have to deal with the consequences.


Article: 'Teens are scarier than gangs' nowadays... committing assault in groups

Source: MBC via Naver

1. [+5,891, -23] Don't go easy on them for being teens. Kids nowadays don't have any basic manners or respect.

2. [+4,832, -36] Punish them like adults

3. [+4,084, -18] Get rid of the teen protection law and punish them as adults.

3. [+3,163, -185] I remember doing bad things in my teens but never as bad as this... they're trash..

4. [+2,923, -57] This is the state of our country today

5. [+299, -8] Scared to go out in the streets now ㅋㅋㅋ
