Xia makes 'Flower' solo comeback

Article: XIA has returned, the 'flower' has bloomed

Star News via Naver

1. [+652, -34] How awesome it would be if we could see him on even cable at least once, not even public broadcast ㅠㅠㅠㅠ He'd totally own any idol nowadays... no fun in watching music shows anymore.

2. [+552, -27] Love all of the songs on the third album! Hit daebak!

3. [+520, -29] The Xia flower has indeed bloomed. Each of the 13 songs has its own unique color.

4. [+467, -24] Love the new album!!

5. [+446, -23] He really has bloomed~ such variety to his style! Hope to be able to see his songs on public broadcast one day..

6. [+91, -6] His performances are such a waste for only fans to enjoy

7. [+82, -1] Only listened to the song so far and it's daebak..

8. [+75, -1] Love the song~~ Tablo's rap really fits it well
