Park Jin Young to comeback in April

Article: [Exclusive] "JYP's Back!" Park Jin Young to make a comeback as a singer in April

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+171, -34] Park Jin Young lives such an envious life... works, exercises, produces.. Other CEOs just sit at their desks and work on their computers but Park Jin Young seems to live life to the fullest. JYP may not be what it used to be but there are still a lot of companies that aren't even up to JYP's level still. Everyone's still doing fine. He basically doesn't have any greed and he's just looking to lead his company while still enjoying his life...

2. [+145, -22] I don't know what he does in his private life but he seems like someone who really loves music

3. [+111, -17] Looking forward to his half air half sound

4. [+18, -6] So he's not letting his artists comeback so that he can comeback

5. [+17, -11] Yeah, your kids are falling behind so hopefully you can rack in some cash yourself

6. [+14, -10] I can't say much about his private life or his business decisions but you have to give it to him for his love and passion for music and dance...

7. [+13, -3] So he's going to be on music shows with miss A ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+10, -6] Half human half gorilla
