[Pann] Who is the J in the Audi girl group scandal?

Pann: Who's the J in the Audi girl group scandal?

1. [+214, -9] Her company must be keeping it so hush hush... Aside from this article, there's no other related articles out in the media yet. The company must be strong. SPICA isn't that famous and I don't think their company is strong enough to cover something of this level. Yang Jiwon should sue.

2. [+139, -6] I'm so curious.... They should release who it is at least for Jiwon's sake. Stop dragging innocent names through the mud and release it~ This is when journalists should be put to work.

3. [+51, -6] People should really not talk about it at all if they're not going to give a specific name. They're like attention whores by saying someone they know saw the accident but they won't tell~ and all of this will only start witch huntings with speculations on A or B and all these unfounded rumors. Some poor person is going to get caught in all of this and get unnecessary hate.

4. [+36, -0]

5. [+33, -2] I bet the 'famous girl group' part is a lie just for click bait. If it was a famous girl group, passerbys would have recognized her and spread accounts already. The accident happened at 5 am in Nonhyun, there's gotta be tons of people there at that time. And why would the driver even mention that his girlfriend is a famous girl group member and give her initial. Netizens are just playing on their own at this point.

6. [+33, -1] It's not Jihyun, she was in rehearsal for their Chinese concert today. Hyunah updated her Instagram.

7. [+28, -1] Isn't it Soyu? The picture looks like Soyu to me.. or not.

8. [+21, -0] Whoever gets caught is going to get double the hate... a scandal and drunk driving to boot.. tsk tsk.

9. [+20, -3] But isn't it really 'SJ'? I heard her voice and it's that characteristic high tone with mumbled pronunciation. I thought of her immediately.

10. [+19, -6] Sojin's boyfriend is DO, what're you all talking about

11. [+19, -3] On Channel A news, the girl said "I told my friend... sigh.." to the police which sounds like she was trying to say that she told her friend not to drink and drive... and by her referencing to the driver as her friend, they're the same age, both 30 years old..

12. [+19, -2] I thought of Sojin immediately after hearing her voice. Sojin has such a specific tone to her voice.. I'm not saying it's Sojin but I'm saying it sounded like her.

13. [+18, -0] That boyfriend is seriously so dumb ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Outed his girlfriend as a famous girl group member

14. [+16, -6] Isn't it GsD SJ? Go in here and listen to the video at 39 seconds, her voice is completely the same... http://m.news.naver.com/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=159&oid=449&aid=0000052768

15. [+14, -6] I think it's Soyu... the picture looks like it and the initial has J and Soyu's real name is Kang Jihyun ㅋㅋ Might not be true since we can't be sure

16. [+14, -1] Can't be Sojin since she was on Instagram giggling and all that, why would she if she was in an accident
