NS Yoonji releases 'Wifey' featuring MC Mong

Article: NS Yoonji "Wifey" with MC Mong "sweet and funky"

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+104, -6] Nobody wants to go to the army. But as a Korean citizen, reality is that you have to go, especially moreso if you're a celebrity who lives off of the love of the public. Even if the law decided that he was innocent, people still believe his actions to be that of evasion. Just because the law couldn't find it to be true doesn't mean that a lie can become the truth.

2. [+91, -10] Will it be worth it for her to take the hand of a devil just because she's struggling with popularity? I guess time will tell whether it works in her favor or not

3. [+77, -7] Why would anyone in their sane mind hire MC Mong to feature for them? Unless they were absolutely obsessed with ruining themselves

4. [+60, -5] Nuna, are you crazy? You have to be crazy to feature that guy

5. [+62, -10] Kya~~~ using MC Mong to feature for you, now we know why you haven't gotten popular yet. What a drop in class, using a monkey who can't even rap or sing or dance..

6. [+34, -5] Yoonji was actually still popular among men and she backstabs them like this ㅋ And the song sounds more like MC Mong featuring Yoonji

7. [+24, -2] This is so frustrating, why would you collaborate with Mong

8. [+26, -5] Well, Yoonji's unlikable now. I seriously hate MC Mong... why would she feature him?

9. [+17, -3] Look at her using MC Mong and getting hate just so that she can get some attention ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
