miss A confirms comeback for late March

Article: miss A confirms comeback for end of March... to exceed 'Bad Girl Good Girl'

Source: Ilgan Sports via Naver

1. [+1,279, -73] 'Bad Girl Good Girl' is the best

2. [+947, -48] 'BGGG' is a wall you can't climb over... but fighting to miss A!!!!!

3. [+789, -45] They'll never be able to exceed that song. How can you exceed a song that was #1 on the 2010 yearly charts.

4. [+609, -114] Suzy A is releasing a new song!!!!!!

5. [+440, -66] Looking forward to seeing Suzy in a new concept~~~ 'BGGG' was legendary

6. [+89, -8] I liked 'Hush' or was that only me ㅜㅜ.. Their dance attacked me straight in the heart~

7. [+66, -7] I liked 'Hush' too ^^!!

8. [+53, -3] I wish it'll be a miss A style song, nothing too over the top or out of the box

9. [+67, -14] The Suzy bus is back in service

10. [+48, -11] They'll never exceed that song and that's fact
